The complete source code for this sample application is included in the ICEfaces release bundle. In addition, links to technical documentation and the component TLD documentation are provided on the right-hand side menu on the header bar for each sample. The component samples included in this ICEfaces Showcase application include source code for each sample, located at the bottom of each page.
#Jsf icefaces wikipedia mod#
Unul dintre punctele forte ale ICEfaces este integrarea transparent cu tehnologiile Ajax dar n mod special cu Ajax. How can I find out more about the components? ICEfaces este o extensie a platformei Java Server Faces care permite dezvoltatorilor de aplicaii Java Enterprise s creeze aplicaii interactive utiliznd tehnologiile Ajax, limbajul Java i platforma Java EE. All code modifications and component enhancements are free for developers to use, distribute and modify.
#Jsf icefaces wikipedia license#
The ACE Components are made available under the Apache License Version 2 open source License. It’s rich features and capabilities allow developers to do more within the confines of a legacy infrastructure than can be imagined. It improves developer efficiency all while reducing time to market and operating costs. In future ICEfaces releases, new component features will be implemented primarily on the ACE component platform, therefore the ACE Components will continue to evolve rapidly. ICEfaces is an open-source Rich Internet Application (RIA) development framework for Java EE. This reduces both the number and size of render-cycles required for typical interactions, and provides a highly responsive user-interface. The ACE Components provide a higher degree of client-side rendering, behaviours, and Ajax transaction flexibility. The ACE Components are ideally suited to ICEfaces projects that are able to leverage the power of modern browsers to provide a richer, more dynamic and responsive user-interface. The ACE Components are authored using the ICEfaces Advanced Component Environment, which implements a consistent approach to component authoring, meta-data management, and automates common component development tasks and optimizations. » Provide a flexible and consistent approach to UI theming/skinning across all components, based on jQuery ThemeRoller themes.In general a data table is used to display a list of data, such as records generated from a database. Additional functionality like sorting, pagination, resizing, row selection, scrolling, etc. » Support extensive client-side functionality to improve component richness, responsiveness, and scalability. The data table component is a powerful improvement on the standard JSF dataTable.» Leverage powerful JavaScript components from leading 3rd-party libraries, such as jQuery, while shielding ICEfaces application developers from having to learn/use JavaScript directly.

Key features of the ACE Components include: Featuring over 40 components including the industry-leading ace:dataTable, the ACE Components utilize a blend of server-side and client-based rendering techniques to provide a rich, responsive user-experience with reduced network and server-processing requirements. The ACE Components (ICEfaces Advanced Components) are the next-generation of open source ICEfaces components.